How To Play
Ballpark Pong Scoring
Objective: The goal is to score more points/runs than the other player/team.
Teams: Ballpark Pong is meant to be played either 1v1 or with teams of 2v2 or 3v3. For 2v2 and 3v3 games the players on each team should alternate turns each inning.
Basic Game Play
- Standing approximately 6 feet from the board, each player takes turns throwing the ball.
- Each throw that lands in a cup is scored as follows:
- 1B (Single): 1 point
- 2B (Double): 2 points
- 3B (Triple): 3 points
- HR (Homerun): 4 points
- Each throw that does not land in a cup is an Out. Each player gets 3 Outs per inning. Once 3 Outs are recorded it is the other player's turn to throw.
- Record run totals each inning on the scoreboard. Each game is 9 innings. Highest score wins!
Advanced Game Play
- Standing approximately 6 feet from the board, each player takes turns throwing the ball.
- If a ball lands in the 1B, 2B or 3B cup then there is now a runner on base at that spot. To indicate a baserunner, spin the cup until the baserunner sticker is visible. Spin cups as needed as baserunners advance around the bases on ensuing throws.
- If a ball lands in the single (1B) cup AND there is already a baserunner(s) on the board then all baserunners advance one base. However, if there are two outs then all baserunners advance two bases on a single (1B).
- If a ball lands in the double (2B) cup AND there is already a baserunner(s) on the board then all baserunners advance two bases. However, if there are two outs then all baserunners advance three bases on a double (2B).
- If a ball lands in the triple (3B) cup AND there is already a baserunner(s) then all baserunners advance three bases.
- If a ball lands in a HR cup and there are no baserunners it is a solo homerun and it counts as (1) run.
- If a ball lands in a HR cup and there are baserunners then all baserunners score including the batter.
- Once 3 outs are recorded the inning is over and all baserunners come off the basepath. It is now the other player's turn to throw.
- Record runs on the scoreboard. Each game is 9 innings. Highest score wins!